Our Services

Library cards are free for residents of the Town or County of Westlock and Clyde. To get a library card, you will need to come in person and present a piece of identification with a current address showing you are a resident.

All children under the age of 18 are required to have a parent/legal guardian accept responsibility for their borrowing privileges by signing their registration card. The parent/guardian must be in good standing with the library. 

The library assumes no responsibility for limiting or restricting access to materials for individual card holders.  Library card holders-including children-have access to all library materials.

Card holders may not lend their cards to others for borrowing privileges.

Borrowing privileges or use of services may be suspended for fines over $10.00 or failure to abide by the library's Code of Conduct.

A library card allows you to do more than simply borrow books and other materials from your local library.

Your card allows you to

Borrow from nearly 20,000 items (books, magazines, DVD’s, games, kits etc.) from the Westlock Library

Request any of the almost 4 million items from other TRAC libraries (The Regional Automation Consortium) for interlibrary lending. You can place a hold yourself using TRAC or you can ask a staff member for assistance.

Items not available through TRAC may be obtained with inter-library loan from other libraries (including academic libraries) using Alberta Relais for interlibrary lending. Note: some restrictions apply.

Access and download Audio and E-Books, online E-resources & Reference Database services.

You can manage your library account online including request and renewal of items. Or call the library to renew them for you.

Loan Periods

1 Week Items: 

  • Magazines
  • DVD Movies

3 Week Items:

  • Books
  • DVD TV Series
  • Audiobooks

Most materials can be renewed twice
Note: The number of renewals allowed is set by the owning library.
We can not extend items beyond the limit or period set by another library.

Fines and Fees

You are responsible for all items borrowed on your card and will be held accountable for late, lost or damaged item fines.

Fees are $0.25 a day for each item borrowed to a maximum of $10.00 per item.

Borrowing privileges are suspended when account fines exceed $10.00 

Fines must be cleared in order to re-activate borrowing privileges. 

Late Fines are automatically billed to your account for each item that has not been returned by its due date.

Item Replacement Charges

Lost or damaged items are billed at the cost to replace the items and are considered lost three weeks after the items are due.
Damaged items are billed the day after the item is returned.
Payment can be paid by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.

Only the Library Director is authorized to waive or negotiate reduction of fines or to seek alternative avenues of clearing accounts.

Each of our libraries have computers for public use. We ask users to limit themselves to one hour per day unless they are working on job search or course work for educational purposes.

All Workstations are equipped with Microsoft Office and are networked to a central printer (printing fees apply). One computer at Westlock Library is equipped with a document scanner.


Free Wireless access is available 24-7.

Computer & Tech Assistance

Library staff will answer questions and offer assistance with our public computers. We will do our best to help with tech-related questions; however, we have designated personnel and regularly scheduled times to provide more advanced help sessions:

  • Please call for an appointment with the Adult Literacy office at 780-349-9409

Printing Services

  • Black & White prints: $ 0.25 per page
  • Colour prints: $0.50 per page

Facsimile Services 

Fax services are available at the library for both incoming and outgoing faxes:

  • Sending: $2.00 Flat rate
  • Receiving: $1.00 per the first page plus $0.25 for each additional page.


There are two scanners available at the public computers available for self-service with no fee.


Patrons with large-volume requests may contact the Library to schedule copying or faxing jobs; Unscheduled large-volume 
requests may result in extended wait times.
Staff will refuse copying services that violate the Copyright Act RS c. C-42.





 Full size (8x10)                                                       


*The prices above do not cover the cost of photocopying originals.

Equipment Lending

Westlock Intermunicipal Library has equipment that can be borrowed for special events or activities.

Equipment Borrowing

Listed below are the items available . There are no fees, but a waiver form must be used for off-premises borrowing of equipment.

Equipment Description

Replacement Cost

DAISY Reader


LCD Projector


Wi-Fi Hub


A waiver form must be used for off-premises borrowing of equipment.

The Library offers several Outreach Services for all ages in all areas of our community. The can include:

  • Story Telling at Special Events: We are available to participate in your special event for story-telling. We are often found at community events such as Westlock's Christmas Light Up.
  • Special Services-Daisy Readers: Library patrons who have difficultly using regular/large print books can speak to us regarding the borrowing of a Daisy Reader, which allows the playing of audio books.
  • Home Bound Patrons: Patrons who have difficulty coming to the library may request home services. This allows them to have library materials dropped off and picked up.  This service is available just seasonally if required.
  • Outreach Library: The Library has an Outreach Library at Smithfield Lodge. This library is open Wednesday from 3 - 4 p.m. on the second floor at Smithfield Lodge. Patrons borrowing from this rotating selection of reading materials must have a valid library card.
  • Public Speaking: Westlock Libraries would be pleased to visit your group and speak on any issue regarding library-led community initiatives, library services or ways your group/organization could become more involved with your community library. If you have a specific topic in mind please feel free to contact us.
  • Tour the Library: The library is pleased to arrange a specially designed visit to the library for your students, a group or community organization. We are happy to "tailor" the visit to suit your groups' needs. For more information or book a visit all the library at 780-349-3060 or email us at info@westlocklibrary.ca

For more information you may phone the Library at 780-349-3060 or email at: info@westlocklibrary.ca

Exam Invigilation Services and Fees

Westlock Adult Literacy invigilates exams for post-secondary distance-learning students. Adult Literacy is equipped to invigilate either written or on-line exams.
To book an exam you may phone the Adult Literacy Office (780-349-9409).

There is a $25.00 administration fee for each exam written. The Adult Literacy Office will follow exam procedures as outlined by the parent institution.

The Student is Required to:
  1. Complete all necessary coursework assigned by the parent institute to qualify for writing an examination.
  2. Contact the Adult Literacy Office by phone (780-349-9409) to book an exam date and time
  3. Contact the parent institution and complete any administrative paperwork required to have an exam sent to Westlock Adult Literacy for invigilation.
  4. Call Adult Literacy 2 business days prior to your exam booking to confirm the time and ensure the exam has been received.
  5. Arrive at the Adult Literacy Office 10-15 minutes before the booked examination time to sign in, pay invigilation fees, and complete any pre-exam procedures or paperwork.
Please Note:
  • Exams may only be written during library hours of operation
  • The student MUST bring picture identification and have a student identification number

    For more information contact us: literacy@westlocklibrary.ca